In the northern part of Beiuș Country, below Pădurea Craiului Mountains, on the inferior course of the Roșia Valley, lies Roșia, a picturesque, quiet and stupendous area, one of the largest and most beautiful townships in Bihor County This touristic region is a gateway to Pădurea Craiului Mountains, largely held as one of the most complex karst areas in Romania.
Situated upon a natural background, Roșia brings forth a number of possible activities, spectacular caverns and gorges, amazing views and landscapes. Landmarks: Cheile Albioarei (Albioara Gorges), Cheile Cuților (Cuților Gorges), Peștera Ciur‐Ponor (Ciur‐Ponor Cave) and Peștera Ciur‐Izbuc (Ciur‐Izbuc Cave) (accessible only by custodian approval and with TCE guides), Peștera Vacii (Cow’s Cave), Peștera Gruieț (Gruieț Cave), Peștera Meziad (Meziad Cave), Peștera cu Cristale din Mina Farcu (The Cristal Cave in Farcu Mine), Peștera Albă (the White Cave), Peștera Roșie (the Red Cave), Izbucul Roșiei (Roșia’s Spring), Moara de apă de la Roșia (Roșia’s Watermill).
Traditions and customs: the weaving shed and horned violins collections of Codoban family, The “pricesne” festival, traditional clothing
Access: by car you travel on the E60 until Borod, then go by public highway 764 D, crossing Bratca and Damiș, until reaching Albioara Canton. Next turn left on a rocky road going up to the Runcuri plateau. Another way is by E79 until Beiuș, then DJ 764, through Remetea, until Albioara Canton, turn right towards Runcuri plateau. There are regular bus trips between Beiuș and Roșia.
Activities in Pădurea Craiului Mountains: Canyoning | Caving | Trekking
We’re left with the duty to respect these parts at our every step, keep them clean and pristine for generations to come, and for us as well, because in Nature, “the tourist comes to gladden his eyes, the thinker encounters a grand book where every rock is a letter, where every lake is a phrase, where every village is an accent and from whence a smoke of ancient memories emerges”. (Victor Hugo)