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The Valul Miresei Waterfall, on Iadului Valley

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The Valul Miresei Waterfall, on Iadului Valley

We can find the Bride’s Veil Falls on the right bank of Hell’s Valley, but glimpses of it can be seen from the main road between Stâna de Vale and Coada Lacului Leşu, towards Remeţi. The waterfall is actually a three­step fall, high of approximately 35 m. The name stems from the shape of the falls, which resembles a veil.

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Cascada Vălul Miresei

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Cascada Vălul Miresei 46.715128, 22.589790 Cascada Vălul MireseiGPS: 46.715084, 22.589017Povestea locului (Directions)

The more adventurous ones can climb all the way to the top of the falls, where they’re guaranteed an amazing view. The bottom of the falls sees the small river unite with Hell’s Valley.
We heartily recommend a visit to this waterfall during the rainy season, when the debit is greater and the sky is cloudy, to make sure you capture truly magnificent imagery.

Accessible from the trail: pa The Săritoarea Ieduţului trail
Activites in Apuseni Natural Park Canyoning | Caving | Trekking | Mountain-bike | Tandem paragliding | Rafting – Kayaking

We’re left with the duty to respect these parts at our every step, keep them clean and pristine for generations to come, and for us as well, because in Nature, “the tourist comes to gladden his eyes, the thinker encounters a grand book where every rock is a letter, where every lake is a phrase, where every village is an accent and from whence a smoke of ancient memories emerges”. (Victor Hugo)