Molhașurile de la Izbuce (active peat bogs) are located in the special conservation area of the Apuseni Natural Park, which contains the most valuable elements of the natural heritage of the Apuseni Natural Park. These areas were established by Order of the Minister No 552/2003. Due to the special fragility of these turf habitats, the touristic activities carried out here are restricted to viewing them from this observation tower, without entering the turf, which would be impossible due to the excessive humidity of these habitats.
Molhașurile de la Izbuce are active peat forming in damp areas on siliceous soil.
Besides the sphagnum (peat moss), which has a thickness of over 1 m, there are many plants in the molaths, such as the Roua Cerului carnivorous plant (drosera rotundifolia), is the only terrestrial carnivorous plant in Romania, which is protected by law, Polytrichum moss, Carex grass, Deschampsia and Nardus, a rare Balkan spiny species (Pedicularis limogena), the usual plants of moisture (lizard, bumblebee and puff), many blueberries and cranberries.
Molhașurile de la Izbuce have a particularly picturesque appearance due to rust color and the black water, “lakes without bottom”, the landscape is of great beauty and wildlife.
The black lakes in the active peat bogs are considered “The Black Eyes of Nature”.
We’re left with the duty to respect these parts at our every step, keep them clean and pristine for generations to come, and for us as well, because in Nature, “the tourist comes to gladden his eyes, the thinker encounters a grand book where every rock is a letter, where every lake is a phrase, where every village is an accent and from whence a smoke of ancient memories emerges”. (Victor Hugo)