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Cuților Gorges

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Cuților Gorges

Cuților Gorges are located in the Pădurea Craiului Mountains, in the upper basin of Roșia Valley, the closest town being Roșia. Their name comes from the local term given to the rocks people used to sharpen their knives (cuți), that can be plentily found on this valley. Although not very long, the gorges are a spectacle, with their steep walls reaching heights of 60 ‐ 100 m, home to many caverns (The Singing Cave ‐ rom. Peștera care Cântă, The Cow’s Cave ‐ rom. Peștera Vacii, Bats’ Cave ‐rom. Peștera Liliecilor) and karst springs.

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Cheile Cuţilor

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Cheile Cuţilor 46.829223, 22.396574 Cheile CuţilorGPS: 46.83748, 22.39616Povestea locului... (Directions)

The gorges consist of only about 1.3 from the total of 2.1 km, but they form a breathtakingly beautiful landscape. Somewhere along the way, the water develops into a deep, V‐shaped valley, the cliffs become steeper and steeper and, during draught season, the streams disappear, absorbed either by the waterbanks or the gravel by the rivers. The gorge section is drained by a temporary stream, following its meandered way guarded by calciferous peaks. Upon entering Ponița village, the gorges abruptly come to an end, and the chalkstone form a spectacular, steep wall, over 80 m high.

A touristic circuit has recently been developed for Cuților Gorges, but the caverns in this area are not available for tourists.

Activites in Pădurea Craiului Mountains Canyoning | Caving | Trekking | Mountain-bike | Tandem paragliding | Rafting – Kayaking

We’re left with the duty to respect these parts at our every step, keep them clean and pristine for generations to come, and for us as well, because in Nature, “the tourist comes to gladden his eyes, the thinker encounters a grand book where every rock is a letter, where every lake is a phrase, where every village is an accent and from whence a smoke of ancient memories emerges”. (Victor Hugo)