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Bulbuci Waterfall

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Bulbuci Waterfall

Bulbuci waterfall is located into a beautiful natural surroundings, on the valley of the same name, left tributary of Boga Valley. Water falls in two stages, forming waterfalls of various sizes, their overall length is 30 meters, but the last step is the most beautiful and highest. Waterfall Bulbuci can be visited following route  .

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Cascada Bulbuci

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Cascada Bulbuci 46.601012, 22.665825 Cascada BulbuciGPS: 46.601705, 22.665782 (Directions)

After about 10 minutes steepest descent through the forest to the base of a 20m high wall, located on the left, suddenly a powerful sound can be heard from far away … what a beautiful and cheerful view opens up to us a spectacular water falls from a height of about 20 m.
This last step is the most spectacular, because it can enter behind the curtain of water.

Accessible from the trail:  Trail Boga village – Bulbuci waterfall

We’re left with the duty to respect these parts at our every step, keep them clean and pristine for generations to come, and for us as well, because in Nature, “the tourist comes to gladden his eyes, the thinker encounters a grand book where every rock is a letter, where every lake is a phrase, where every village is an accent and from whence a smoke of ancient memories emerges”. (Victor Hugo)